Young driver safety research concerns identifying risk and protective factors associated with reducing young drivers’ involvement in motor vehicle crashes.

The team is currently collaborating on a randomised controlled trial of the Drivingly Programme. Learn more at

Parenting and Young Driver Safety

LGBTQIA Children and Young People, Parents and Clinicians

Research with LGBTQIA children and young people concerns understanding how to improve communication with parents and clinicians with an overall goal of positively affecting young people’s physical and mental health.

Read some of our current work on parents’ perceptions of their children’s sexual and gender identity disclosures.

Exposure to parental conflict leads to negative outcomes for children. Our current research in this area looks at how individual differences in parents’ mental health and proclivity for aggression affects their parenting practices and children’s mental health in the context of separation and divorce.

Read some of our current work on the development of a new parent-child bond-breaking assessment tool.

Parenting in Separation and Divorce